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- ARRL Catalog - electronic version.
- Contact the American Radio Relay League, Inc., 225 Main St.,
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- ____________________________________________________________
- Now You're Talking!: All You Need to Get Your First Ham Radio
- License is a complete study guide for the Technician exam and the
- Novice written exam. But it's far more! It will help you select
- and set up radios, accessories and antennas for your ham radio
- station. It will also guide you through your first contacts on all
- the popular operating modes, including FM repeaters and packet
- radio. Practical information every beginning ham needs is
- presented clearly and simply, in small doses. Whether you start
- with the Technician or the Novice license, Now You're Talking!
- shows you how to enjoy ham radio to the fullest.
- If you're starting with the Novice license you should also
- purchase audio cassettes or computer software to learn Morse code
- (described below).
- Now You're Talking!: All You Need to Get Your First Ham License.
- 2nd ed, Copyright 1993, 400 pages, #4173 $19
- The ARRL Technician Class Video Course is the fast, easy and fun
- way to prepare for your Novice- and Technician-class written
- exams. Imagine: One course with everything you need to get your
- first ham license! Watch it straight through or review any or all
- sections at your convenience.
- You get three exciting video tapes (5 full hours), a detailed 164-
- page course book and six practice exams. The course covers every
- FCC question with correct answers, detailed explanations and full-
- screen graphics and animation. There's even optional Exam Review
- software for PCs and Macintosh computers.
- Produced in association with King Schools, a world leader in video
- training courses, the ARRL Technician Class Video Course comes
- with the assurance of a money-back guarantee: You pass your test,
- or you don't pay! Call for details.
- With our exclusive Technician Class Video Course, you'll be on the
- air in no time!
- ARRL Technician Class Video Course, Copyright 1993, #4572 $99
- Extra Course Books (with course purchase) Copyright 1993 #4637 $19
- ARRL Technician Class Video Course with Computerized Exam Review
- Software, )1993. IBM compatible, 3.5- and 5.25-inch disks and
- Macintosh 3.5-inch (hard disk req'd) #4580 $119
- Hampass--ARRL's license-exam-review software is a great way to prepare
- for the Novice and Technician tests. Hampass drills you on the
- Novice or Technician question pools by selecting questions from
- the entire pool or from subelements you specify. It also creates
- sample tests. Each package includes 5.25-inch and 3.5-inch disks.
- Hampass for DOS, for IBM PC or compatible (286 or better
- microprocessor best), DOS 3.1 or later, hard disk, EGA or better
- display, mouse recommended, but not required......#4475 $35
- Hampass for Windows 3.1, for 286 or better mircroprocessor, DOS
- 3.3 or later and Windows 3.1 or later, hard disk with 1 MB of free
- space, VGA graphics card and color monitor, mouse recommended, but
- not required......................................#4467 $35
- Upgrade Your License the Easy Way!
- After you receive your license and get on the air, you'll probably
- want to explore additional operating privileges. The ARRL License
- Manual Series represents the best study material for the
- Technician, General, Advanced and Extra Class Amateur Radio exams.
- Each book is carefully revised and updated as new exam questions
- are released by the VEC Question Pool Committee. The appropriate
- examination question pool, complete with an answer key, is
- included for easy reference. The answer key contains page
- references so you can locate appropriate text explanations as you
- review the questions before your exam. Our FCC Rule Book should be
- used along with each publication in the series.
- ARRL License Manual Series
- Technician Class for Novice Class Licensees 2nd ed, Copyright 1993
- 224 pages, #4181 $6
- General Class, 2nd ed, copyright 1994 (good through June 30, 1998)
- Now includes study material for all FCC Rules questions on the
- General class exam. 320 pages, #4688 $12
- Advanced Class, 3rd ed, Copyright 1990 (good through June 30,
- 1995) 280 pages, #3274 $8
- Extra Class, 5th ed, Copyright 1990 (good through June 30, 1996)
- 320 pages, #3282 $8
- The FCC Rule Book, 9th ed, Copyright 1993 #4270 $9
- Complete FCC rules, plus easy-to-understand explanations
- Code Proficiency
- When it comes to the code, whether you're just starting out, or
- you're working on your Extra Class upgrade, practice makes
- perfect!
- The ARRL produces five sets of Morse code tapes to get you from 0
- to 22 words per minute. Each set includes two C-90 cassettes. GGTE
- Morse Tutor software for IBM PCs and compatibles teaches you the
- code, provides plenty of practice for exams and helps keep your
- code speeds sharp in easy, self-paced lessons. Features include
- code speeds from 1 to more than 100 words per minute, standard or
- Farnsworth modes and random QSOs. The Advanced Morse Tutor has
- even more features. You can send code from an ASCII text file that
- you create on the computer, save to disk the random QSOs created
- by the program for later replay, and even create your own practice
- text with special emphasis on problem characters, and more.
- Your Introduction to Morse Code, our cassette program for
- beginners, makes learning the code fun. It teaches you all the
- characters and provides plenty of practice. #3487 $10
- ARRL Code Practice Cassettes. Each set of two C-90 tapes provides
- three hours of practice.
- Set 1: 5 to 10 WPM #2227 $ 10
- Set 2: 10 to 15 WPM #2235 $10
- Set 3: 15 to 22 WPM #2243 $10
- Set 4: 13 to 14 WPM #2251 $10
- GGTE Morse Tutor (5.25-inch) #2081 $20
- GGTE Morse Tutor (3.5-inch) #2936 $22
- Advanced Morse Tutor (5.25-inch) #3231 $30
- Advanced Morse Tutor (3.5-inch) #3258 $30
- Help for Beginners
- W1FB's Help for New Hams, by Doug DeMaw, offers sound advice on
- getting started in Amateur Radio after you get your license.
- Covers how to select equipment, station layout and accessories,
- building and using antennas, and operating. Whether you're into
- HF or VHF, this book will get you on the air.
- 2nd ed, Copyright 1994 #4432 $10 (available July 1994)
- Ham Radio Horizons: The Book, What Ham Radio is All About and
- How to Get Started introduces nonhams to the exciting world
- of amateur radio. You'll find tips from expert hams on DXing,
- Contesting, Serving the Public, Ham Radio in Space, Experimenting,
- Digital Communications, and more. 1st ed, copyright 1993,
- 160 pages, #1234 $12.95
- Novice Notes: The Book is a selection of articles for the beginner
- from the popular QST series. It's filled with useful information:
- What you should do before your license arrives; how to buy used
- gear; and much more. 1st ed, Copyright 1989, 76 pages, #2561 $6
- Written in an easy-to-understand style for electronics beginners,
- Understanding Basic Electronics is also for those who want to
- brush up on electronics principles. Loaded with illustrations, the
- book starts with math skills and progresses to dc and ac
- electronics principles. It concludes with clear, simple explanations
- of how components like diodes, transistors and integrated circuits
- work. 1st ed, Copyright 1992, 448 pages, #3983 $17
- First Steps in Radio by Doug DeMaw, W1FB, is a tutorial on
- electronics principles tailored to the beginner. Reprinted from
- the popular QST series, this book will help you learn the
- electronics theory helpful for licensing exams and to gain some
- insight into how radio equipment works. 1st ed, Copyright 1985
- 88 pages, #2286 $6
- Operating an Amateur Radio Station. This booklet answers the basic
- Amateur Radio questions often posed by newcomers: How do I decide
- what equipment to buy? What kind of antenna do I need? and many
- others. 65th ed, Copyright 1991, 52 pages, #226X $2
- Handy References
- The 1994 ARRL Handbook
- We're proud of the 71st edition of the ARRL Handbook for Radio
- Amateurs. That's right! The 71st edition! The Handbook has been
- the ham's bible since 1926, and each new edition brings you the
- latest on what's new in Amateur Radio state of the art. The
- Handbook is many things:
- * A reference guide, with updated lists of parts and equipment
- suppliers and other indispensable data on solid-state components
- and transmitting tubes
- * A guide to radio theory every ham should know, including the
- latest digital modes and hundreds of explanatory and practical
- circuits
- * A goldmine of construction projects that will allow all hams,
- beginners, old-timers and everyone in between to build useful
- amateur gear for their stations.
- What's new in the 1994 edition? Plenty! Here's some of what you'll
- find:
- *Added coverage of Digital Signal Processing (DSP).
- *Improved treatment of Pi and Pi-L matching networks for high-
- power amplifiers.
- *A new all-digital-logic ID-timer section improves the operation
- of the repeater CW IDer.
- *The "Ugly Transceiver" is a simple and enjoyable introduction to
- RF construction!
- *A five-band quad that covers all amateur bands from 20-10 meters.
- An indispensable reference for hams and engineers alike, The ARRL
- Handbook, with its 1200 pages and 2100 charts and illustrations,
- is an exceptional value. Copyright 1993 #1719 $25
- Every chapter of the 4th edition of The ARRL Operating Manual has
- been updated to include the latest information about every aspect
- of our dynamic hobby. It's simply the best book available covering
- on-the-air amateur operating practices. How do I operate on a
- repeater or on Packet Cluster? How can I snare a contact through a
- DXpedition pileup? What satellites are available and how can I use
- them? You'll find the answers to all of these questions and many
- more in The ARRL Operating Manual!
- One impressive and colorful section features dozens of US and
- overseas operating awards, and a handy reference section includes
- an ARRL DXCC Countries List, beam-heading information, a series of
- maps, US counties, sunrise/sunset tables, and much, much more. No
- shack is complete without this valuable reference. Copyright 1991
- 576 pages, #1086 $18
- The ARRL Radio Buyer's Sourcebooks are for anyone who buys, sells
- or owns Amateur Radio equipment. Two volumes are available: The
- ARRL Radio Buyer's Sourcebook covers selected QST Product Reviews
- from 1981 through 1991 and a few golden oldies. The ARRL Radio
- Buyer's Sourcebook Volume 2 contains all QST Product Reviews
- published in 1991 and 1992.
- Both books explain what radios do, how well they do it, where to
- get them serviced and where to find articles about modifications.
- Handy comparative feature and performance charts cover equipment
- reviewed in the books. Each contains a history of Amateur Radio
- technology and a glossary of radio features and terms. Heading for
- a hamfest or ham dealer? Don't leave home without both Radio
- Buyer's Sourcebooks.
- The ARRL Radio Buyer's Sourcebook (1st ed, Copyright 1991, 384 pages,
- #3452 $15
- The ARRL Radio Buyer's Sourcebook Volume 2 (1st ed, Copyright
- 1993, 240 pages) #4211 $15
- The ARRL Electronics Data Book is a valuable aid to the radio
- amateur, RF design engineer, technician and experimenter. All
- those commonly used tables, charts, and those hard-to-remember
- formulas and semiconductor pin-out diagrams are found in one handy
- source. You'll also find hundreds of popular circuits and building
- blocks, including oscillators, mixers, amplifiers, other devices
- and their operating parameters. By Doug DeMaw, W1FB, 2nd ed,
- Copyright 1988 #2197 $15
- The 13th edition of Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur has the
- best tips, suggestions and projects from the popular QST column
- (covering the years 1987-91). It's loaded with helpful techniques
- and easy projects that will enhance your operating enjoyment.
- Copyright 1992 #3851 $10
- The 1994-1995 ARRL Repeater Directory includes more than 20,000
- listings for voice and digital repeaters and propagation beacons
- located in North, Central and South America. This edition also
- lists more than 500 beacons from 14 MHz to 24 GHz. You'll also
- find band plans, a CTCSS tone chart, a list of frequency
- coordinators, ARRL Spectrum Committee, Digital Committee and
- Future Systems Committee, and a user-friendly list of ARRL Special
- Service Clubs. The Repeater Directory comes in a handy pocket size for
- your operating convenience. 23rd ed, Copyright 1994 #4718 $6
- The ARRL DXCC Countries List is the ideal way to record the DXCC
- countries you've worked and QSLed. The latest printing includes
- DXCC Advisory Committee members, an expanded cross reference for
- prefixes and exotic countries and more. (Free shipping). Jun 1993
- ed, Copyright 1993 #0291 $2
- The ARRL Net Directory lists hundreds of Amateur Radio nets of
- interest to North American hams DX, ragchew, special-interest, fun
- and public service nets - they're all here. Updated annually.
- (Free shipping). 1993-1994 ed, Copyright 1993 #4262 $2
- Your QRP Operating Companion shows that you don't need special
- rigs or expensive equipment to enjoy the excitement and challenge
- of low-power operating. Ragchewing, DXing, contesting all are more
- enjoyable with QRP. Includes operating tips, lists of QRP clubs
- and organizations, net and calling frequencies, and much more. 1st
- ed, Copyright 1992 #3762 $6
- Passport to World Band Radio is the TV Guide of shortwave
- listening. Updated annually, Passport contains comprehensive
- schedules for hundreds of international shortwave broadcast
- stations when they're on, who they're targeting and what languages
- they're using in an easy-to-understand format.
- Also included are useful reviews of nearly every shortwave radio
- currently available, and excellent articles describing the best
- shows to be found on the international shortwave bands.
- Increase your knowledge of today's changing world with Passport to
- World Band Radio and make the most of your listening. Copyright
- 1993 #4459 $18
- Ferrell's Confidential Frequency List is recognized throughout the
- world as the most comprehensive list of shortwave utility stations
- available. What Passport to World Band Radio is to shortwave
- broadcasting, Ferrell's is to utility DXing. This 9th edition has
- been considerably expanded and now contains well over 30,000 CW,
- SSB, RTTY and fax frequencies from 4-28 MHz -- military, maritime,
- aeronautical and more -- They're all here. Copyright 1994 #2206
- $23
- The RSGB Amateur Radio Awards Booklet gives details of major
- Amateur Radio awards throughout the world. Each award is listed in
- an easy-to-use format that includes all the information on how to
- earn it. This edition even includes a checklist so you can track
- your progress. 3rd ed, Copyright 1988 #R819 $15
- World Radio TV Handbook is your personal 24-hour guide to the
- world's broadcasters and their services. Information is listed by
- country and in an hour-by-hour guide to English language shortwave
- broadcasts. Comprehensive station information includes call signs,
- station locations, frequencies, transmitter power, operating
- times, languages and much more. Join the many who have discovered
- the world of the international listener. 1994 ed, Copyright 1994
- #4696 $20
- VHF/UHF/Microwave Communications
- Your VHF Companion lets you explore the fascinating activities on
- the VHF bands: FM and repeaters, packet, CW and SSB, satellites,
- amateur television, transmitter hunting, and more. A handy
- reference section helps you locate equipment, books, magazines and
- software. A must for all new hams and all veterans as well! 1st
- ed, Copyright 1992 #3878 $8
- The ARRL UHF/Microwave Experimenter's Manual is written for the
- growing number of radio amateurs who are discovering that there is
- life on our frequencies above 420 MHz. Technicians and engineers
- will find this book particularly useful. You'll find information
- on design and fabrication techniques, propagation, antennas and
- feed lines, transmission media and much more. Companion software
- is available for IBM PCs and compatibles.
- Book, 1st ed, Copyright 1990 #3126 $20
- Software (5.25-inch) #3134 $10
- Software (3.5-inch) #4726 $10
- The ARRL UHF/Microwave Projects Manual contains dozens of construction
- articles for transverters, preamplifiers, power amplifiers, antennas,
- and test and measurement equipment. Some articles are previously
- unpublished; others are reprinted from conference proceedings, QST
- and QEX. If your interest lies in the bands above 432 MHz, you'll find
- this book to be invaluable. 1st ed, copyright 1994 (Available August
- 1994) #4491 $20
- If you're tired of hunting for bits and pieces of information on
- spread spectrum, the ARRL Spread Spectrum Sourcebook is for you.
- You'll find reprints of most spread spectrum articles from QST and
- QEX, as well as articles and news items from the AMRAD Newsletter
- that show how SS developed from theory to a viable communications
- system. 1st ed, Copyright 1991 #3177 $20
- Beyond Line of Sight: A History of VHF Propagation from the Pages
- of QST explores the ways hams helped discover and exploit the
- propagation modes that allow VHF signals to travel hundreds and
- even thousands of miles. It's a subject all hams will find
- fascinating. 1st ed, Copyright 1992 #4025 $12
- Radio Auroras by Charlie Newton, G2FKZ, from the RSGB, details the
- interesting and unpredictable world of Amateur Radio
- communications via auroral propagation. Presented with a European
- twist is information on what causes auroras, how they are forecast
- and how to best use them to work DX. You'll find an abundance of
- tables and charts. Copyright 1991 #3568 $18
- VHF/UHF Manual, from RSGB, is must reading for the VHF and UHF
- enthusiast. You'll find information on the history of VHF/UHF
- communications, propagation, tuned circuits, receivers,
- transmitters, integrated equipment, filters, antennas, microwaves,
- space communications, and test equipment. 4th ed, Copyright 1983
- #R630 $30
- Microwave Handbook, Volume 1, from RSGB, covers operating
- techniques, system analysis and propagation, microwave antennas,
- transmission lines and components, microwave semiconductors and
- tubes. Copyright 1989 #2901 $35
- Microwave Handbook, Volume 2, from RSGB, continues where Volume 1
- leaves off with construction techniques, common equipment,
- microwave beacons and repeaters, test equipment, safety, filters
- and additional circuit data. Copyright 1991 #3606 $35
- Microwave Handbook, Volume 3, from RSGB, contains a review of
- microwave theory and practice, reference information, practical
- designs, hints and tips. Covers 1.3-24 GHz. Copyright 1992 #3975
- $35
- Space/Satellites
- Weather Satellite Handbook by Dr Ralph Taggart, WB8DQT, is a
- popular and easy-to-use reference for anyone interested in
- viewing our world from space. The revised and expanded 5th
- edition features an interface project that allows you to capture
- fascinating images from various weather satellites and HF
- WEFAX broadcasts (a kit is available). You'll learn how weather
- satellites function, how to build or modify your own receiving
- equipment and how to buy or build the right antennas. Companion
- software (revised for the 5th edition of the book), is available
- for IBM PCs and compatibles. (Available April 1994)
- Book, 5th ed, copyright 1994 #4483 $20
- Software (3.5-inch, requires high density drive) #4653 $10
- The Satellite Experimenter's Handbook has the information you need
- to communicate through or receive signals from a growing fleet of
- orbiting satellites. Whether your interest is in Amateur Radio,
- weather, TV-broadcast or other spacecraft, you'll find an immense
- store of valuable data -- everything from satellite design to
- ground station equipment and antennas. Written by Martin Davidoff,
- K2UBC. 2nd ed, Copyright 1990 #3185 $20
- ARRL Satellite Anthology contains the best QST satellite articles
- from 1986 through 1993. You'll find valuable information on all
- amateur spacecraft from OSCAR 10 through OSCAR 27, including:
- how to work DX via OSCAR's 10 and 13, and how to get on the
- Pacsats and the Russian "Easysats." There's even a glimpse into
- the future with two articles about the advanced Phase 3D satellite.
- 3rd ed, copyright 1994 #4645 $10
- Antennas and Transmission Lines
- The ARRL Antenna Book is the definitive source for information on
- state-of-the-art antenna and transmission line theory and
- construction. The 17th edition presents the best and most highly
- regarded coverage of antenna fundamentals, propagation,
- transmission lines, Yagis and quads, as well as all popular wire
- antenna designs. You'll find a new chapter on HF Yagi Arrays based
- on the latest computer modeling software. The Radio Wave Propagation
- chapter has been revised to include comprehensive statistical data
- on the range of elevation angles needed for communication from all
- areas of the US to important DX locations. Included with this
- edition is a diskette with software by K6STI, W1FM and N6BV for
- Yagi analysis, propagation prediction, transmission-line evaluation,
- and more. Copyright 1994, 736 pages, #4734 $30
- Three volumes are available in The ARRL Antenna Compendium series,
- and each is packed with previously unpublished articles on all the
- popular types of HF/VHF/UHF antennas and some you've never heard
- of! In Volume 1 you'll find articles on a multiband portable,
- quads and loops, baluns and the Smith Chart. Volume 2 features
- several verticals, an attic tri-bander, antenna modeling and
- propagation. Among the 40 articles in Volume 3, you'll discover a
- 12-meter quad, a discone, modeling with MININEC and VHF/UHF ray
- tracing.
- All three volumes are a feast for the antenna enthusiast!
- Companion software is available separately for Volumes 2 and 3.
- Volume 1, 1st ed, Copyright 1985 #0194 $10
- Volume 2, 1st ed, Copyright 1989 #2545 $12
- Companion software (5.25-inch) #2626 $10
- Volume 3, 1st ed, Copyright 1992 #4017 $14
- Companion software (5.25-inch) #4033 $10
- Companion software (3.5-inch) #4041 $10
- Antennas and Techniques for Low Band DXing, by noted DXer John
- Devoldere, ON4UN, is an in-depth treatment of the antennas and
- operating strategies you'll need to span the continents on
- 40, 80 and 160 meters. You'll find operating tips, antenna designs
- and software culled both from the author's years of experinece
- and those of other active DXers, contesters and antenna
- experimenters. Revised and expanded 2nd ed, copyright 1994
- #4661 $20
- Reflections: Transmission Lines and Antennas is written by Walt
- Maxwell, W2DU, to clear the air of the half-truths and outright
- myths you hear these days about transmission lines, standing
- waves, antenna matching, reflected power and antenna tuners. This
- book has a wealth of information on matching networks, antennas
- and use of the Smith Chart. Companion software is available for
- IBM PCs and compatibles.
- Book, 1st ed, Copyright 1990 #2995 $20
- Software (5.25-inch) #3118 $10
- Software (3.5-inch) #3924 $10
- Yagi Antenna Design by Dr James L. Lawson, W2PV, presents 210
- pages covering performance calculations, simple Yagis, performance
- optimization, ground effects, stacking, practical designs for 7-28
- MHz. Hardcover. 1st ed, Copyright 1986 #0410 $15
- W1FB's Antenna Notebook Not everyone has the room or the budget to
- put up a forest of aluminum. Doug DeMaw tells you how to get the
- best performance out of unobtrusive wire and vertical antennas,
- and how to build simple antenna tuners and SWR bridges. 1st ed,
- Copyright 1987 #2618 $10
- Transmission Line Transformers is a source of practical design
- data covering the use of these devices for both commercial and
- amateur applications. Written by Dr Jerry Sevick, W2FMI, this book
- covers types of windings, core materials, fractional-ratio
- windings, efficiencies, multiwinding and series transformers,
- baluns, limitations at high impedance levels and test equipment.
- Hardcover. 2nd ed, Copyright 1990 #2960 $20
- Physical Design of Yagi Antennas, by Dr David B. Leeson, W6QHS, is
- packed with information on how to design or reinforce Yagi
- antennas so they can survive in the most adverse weather
- conditions like 120-mile-per-hour winds! Covers the structural
- design of elements, booms and masts, plus the electrical design of
- Yagi antennas. 1st ed, Copyright 1992 #3819 $20
- 5.25-inch spreadsheet diskette for IBM or compatible #3827 $10
- 3.5-inch spreadsheet diskette for IBM or compatible #3835 $10
- 3.5-inch spreadsheet diskette for Macintosh #3843 $10
- Antenna Impedance Matching shows you how to use the Smith Chart to
- develop even the most complex matching network to maximize antenna
- effectiveness by minimizing feed line losses. With more than 200
- pages, this book is a must for the antenna designer and serious
- amateur. Written by Wilfred Caron. Hardcover. 1st ed, Copyright
- 1989 #2200 $20
- Low-Profile Amateur Radio is for the ham who lives where antennas
- are frowned upon. You'll see that you don't need a house with
- acreage to enjoy your favorite hobby. One practical solution: hide
- your antennas. Another: operate with low power. This book tells
- you how to get on the air using these techniques and others
- without calling attention to yourself. 1st ed, Copyright 1993
- #4114 $8
- ARRL MicroSmith V2.00, by Wes Hayward, W7ZOI. ARRL MicroSmith is a
- Smith Chart simulation program for the IBM PC and compatibles. You
- don't need detailed knowledge of the Smith Chart. Use MicroSmith
- to design matching networks with fixed or variable L-C components,
- stub-matching sections with transmission lines, and more. It's all
- done graphically on your computer screen. It's also useful for a
- variety of network analysis problems. Includes a 48-page user's
- guide with numerous illustrations.
- 5.25-inch diskette #4076 $39
- 3.50-inch diskette #4084 $39
- Practical Wire Antennas, by John D. Heys, G3BDQ, is an RSGB book
- that delves into the practical aspects of HF wire antennas: how
- the various types work, and how to buy or build one that's right
- for you. Marconis, Windoms, loops, dipoles and even underground
- antennas -- they're all covered! The final chapter covers matching
- systems. Copyright 1989 #R878 $14
- HF Antennas for All Locations, written by L.A. Moxon, G6XN, for
- the RSGB, details the design and construction of hundreds of
- amateur antennas, including some unusual designs. Don't let a lack
- of real estate keep you off the air. Whether you're in a downtown
- apartment or on top of a mountain, you'll find at least one
- antenna that'll work for you! 2nd ed, Copyright 1993 #4300 $20
- HF Antenna Collection contains outstanding articles from RSGB's
- Radio Communication. It covers single- and multielement horizontal
- and vertical antennas, very small transmitting and receiving
- antennas, feeders, tuners and more. Copyright 1991 #3770 $18
- Interference/Direction Finding
- Radio Frequency Interference: How to Find It and Fix It is a new
- approach to an old Amateur Radio problem. Written by RFI experts,
- it's filled with proven ways to solve common -- and not-so-common
- -- RFI or EMI problems, whatever their cause. In addition, you'll
- learn how to build a cooperative environment with neighbors and
- how to contact skilled volunteers who can assist with those tricky
- situations. 1st ed, Copyright 1991 #3754 $15
- Interference Handbook, by William Nelson, WA6FQG, will help you
- locate and resolve interference problems of every type. Sources of
- interference are described along with the methods used to locate
- them. Suppression circuits for interfering devices are discussed
- in detail, as are protection techniques for home entertainment
- equipment. This is THE book for power-line interference problems!
- 2nd ed, Copyright 1981 #6015 $12
- Transmitter Hunting: Radio Direction Finding Simplified, by Joseph
- Moell, K/OV, and Thomas Curlee, WB6UZZ, is all the information you
- need about equipment and techniques for HF and VHF radio direction
- finding. Transmitter hunting is both practical and fun. Using the
- information in this book, you can not only locate jammers and
- other sources of malicious interference, but you can also locate
- downed aircraft, engage in sport hunting, even help search-and-
- rescue groups save lives! 1st ed, Copyright 1987 #2701 $19
- Practical Circuits
- W1FB's QRP Notebook by Doug DeMaw is packed with construction
- projects for QRP transmitters, receivers and accessories. This
- second edition is the completely rewritten successor to Doug's
- popular QRP Notebook, and features totally new circuits. Learn the
- inside secrets from this veteran builder, writer and former QST
- Technical Editor. Most of the projects feature printed circuit
- boards that are available from a commercial source. Gain
- understanding of circuits. Experience firsthand the thrill of
- making contacts using equipment that you built. 2nd ed, Copyright
- 1991 #3657 $10
- W1FB's Design Notebook: Practical Circuits for Experimenters is
- just the book for the avid builder of Amateur Radio equipment.
- This plain-language book is filled with simple, practical projects
- that can be built using readily available components and common
- hand tools. There are explanations of how the various circuits
- work -- without heavy mathematical analysis. 1st ed, Copyright
- 1990 #3207 $10
- QRP Classics is a collection of projects for low-power enthusiasts
- taken from ARRL publications over the past 15 years. The equipment
- is generally simple and easy to build. You'll find projects for
- receivers, transmitters, transceivers and accessories. 1st ed,
- Copyright 1990 #3169 $12
- Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur is packed with
- information on Amateur Radio circuit design and applications,
- descriptions of receivers, transmitters, power supplies and test
- equipment. Much of the data cannot be found elsewhere. Essential
- for every technical library. Copyright 1986 #0402 $12
- Radio Communication Handbook, from RSGB, is packed with technical
- information and practical circuits on semiconductors, HF
- receivers, VHF/UHF transmitters, modulation systems, RTTY,
- propagation, HF and VHF/UHF antennas power supplies and more.
- Copyright 1982 #R584 $35
- Packet Radio/Computers/RTTY
- Your Packet Companion, by Steve Ford, WB8IMY, perfect for the
- packet newcomer, covers everything, from assembling a station to
- sending mail, from packet satellites to the latest networking
- systems. Its straightforward writing style and clear drawings will
- get you on the cutting edge of digital ham radio in no time. 1st
- ed. Copyright 1992 #3959 $8
- Your RTTY/AMTOR Companion: Explore HF Digital Communications with
- Your Multimode Controller, by Steve Ford, WB8IMY, is your
- introduction to the exciting world of HF digital communications.
- Learn how to assemble your own RTTY/AMTOR station and communicate
- effectively on the air. You'll also learn the basics of new HF
- digital modes such as CLOVER and PacTOR. 1st ed, Copyright 1993
- #4092 $8
- Your Gateway to Packet Radio explores one of the most fascinating
- areas of Amateur Radio today. Packet radio has found its way into
- thousands of shacks and continues to grow in popularity. If you
- never tried it, find out what you're missing. If you're a packet
- veteran, you'll still learn something new. Written by Stan
- Horzepa, WA1LOU. 2nd ed, Copyright 1989 #2030 $12
- AX.25 Amateur Packet-Radio Link-Layer Protocol represents the
- culmination of several years of work by amateurs to develop a
- standard data-transfer protocol for global use. Packet stations
- and networks can easily talk to one another if common standards
- are used. The link layer is level 2 of the International
- Organization for Standardization (ISO) seven-layered reference
- model of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI). Copyright 1984 #0119
- $8
- In NOSintro: TCP/IP over Packet Radio you'll find a wealth of
- practical information, hints and tips for setting up and using the
- KA9Q Network Operating System (NOS) in a packet radio environment.
- The emphasis is on hands-on practicalities. You'll see exactly:
- how to install NOS on a PC, how to set up the control files, how
- to check out basic operations off-air, and how to use NOS commands
- for transferring files, logging in to remote systems, sending
- mail, etc. (356 pages)...#4319 $23
- DX/Callbooks
- The 1994 North American Callbook lists call signs, names and
- address information for more than 500,000 licensed radio amateurs
- in North America, including Greenland, Bermuda and the Caribbean
- Islands, Hawaii and US possessions. #C094 $30
- The 1994 International Callbook lists call signs, names and
- address information for more than 500,000 licensed radio amateurs
- in the countries outside North America. It covers South America,
- Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific (excluding Hawaii and US
- possessions). #C194 $30
- The Complete DX'er is a book by Master DXer Bob Locher, W9KNI,
- that shows what is going through the DXer's mind as he cracks
- pileups and snags rare DX stations using tried and true
- techniques. You'll learn how to hunt DX and how to obtain hard-to-
- get QSL cards. 2nd ed, Copyright 1989 #2083 $12
- The DXCC Companion: How to Work Your First Hundred Countries, by
- Jim Kearman, KR1S, is filled with practical, easy-to-understand
- information for the beginning DXer. Follow the advice given by
- KR1S and you'll have your first hundred countries confirmed in no
- time. You'll learn about equipment, antennas, propagation and the
- rights and wrongs of QSLing. 1st ed, Copyright 1990 #3398 $8
- For Instructors
- In addition to ham radio study guides for students, we also
- produce instructor's guides to help you teach license courses.
- These are for use with Now You're Talking! and ARRL License
- Manuals. The Instructors Manual is a valuable aid for those
- teaching Amateur Radio classes at any level.
- Proceedings of the ARRL National Educational Workshop presents
- ideas from top instructors to help you motivate your students and
- increase their enjoyment. Proceedings from the 1989 thru 1994
- workshops are available.
- ARRL Novice/Technician Class Instructor's Guide, 2nd ed, Copyright
- 1993 #4394 $6
- ARRL General Class Instructor's Guide, 3rd ed, Copyright 1994
- (Available August 1994)
- ARRL Instructor's Manual, 2nd ed, Copyright 1992 #2448 $8
- Proceedings of the ARRL National Educational Workshop 1994, 1st
- ed, Copyright 1994 #4742 $12
- Amateur Radio Adventure/History
- The ARRL offers three adventure titles by Cindy Wall, KA7ITT. In
- Night Signals, Amateur Radio performs a life-saving feat for Marc
- Lawrence, snow-bound and injured in the rugged Cascade Mountains.
- In the electrifying sequel, Hostage in the Woods, what starts out
- as a hospital Christmas party for children turns into a nightmare
- of terror for Kim Stafford, KA7SJP, and ham radio is her only
- hope. Join Kim and Marc in their latest ham radio adventure,
- Firewatch!, as they're faced with fires everywhere in Oregon's
- tinder-dry Cascade Mountains. All three are great for hams and
- nonhams alike.
- Night Signals. 1st ed, Copyright 1989 #4289 $6
- Hostage in the Woods. 1st ed, Copyright 1990 #3428 $6
- Firewatch! 1st ed, Copyright 1993 #4106 $6
- Tommy Rockford adventure series by the late Walker Tompkins:
- SOS at Midnight. 3rd ed, Copyright 1985 #5005 $5
- CQ Ghost Ship. 3rd ed, Copyright 1985 #5013 $5
- DX Brings Danger. 3rd ed, Copyright 1985 #5021 $5
- Death Valley QTH. 1st ed, Copyright 1985 #503X $5
- Grand Canyon QSO. 1st ed, Copyright 1987 #5048 $5
- Murder by QRM. 1st ed, Copyright 1988 #5064 $5
- Set of 6 Tompkins books #1490 $25
- Morse Code: The Essential Language by Peter Carron, W3DKV, covers
- both the code's fascinating history and its up-to-date
- applications. You'll learn how to receive and send, and for the
- proficient operator there's a chapter on high-speed operation.
- Learn how to handle distress calls heard not only on the ham bands
- but on maritime and aircraft frequencies as well. Finally, there
- is a look into the future and super CW. Expanded 2nd ed, Copyright
- 1991 #0356 $6
- 200 Meters & Down by Clinton B. DeSoto chronicles the exciting
- evolution of Amateur Radio from the pioneers who perfected the
- wireless art through the technical advances of the mid-1930s.
- Copyright 1936 (reprinted in 1981) #0011 $8
- From Spark to Space Join us on a journey through 75 years of
- Amateur Radio with this handsome book. 1st ed, Copyright 1989
- #2596 $10
- ARRL Conference Proceedings Currently available
- Item # Price
- Amsat 5th Space Symposium 0739 $6
- Amsat 10th Space Symposium 3991 12
- 21st Central States VHF Conference-1987 VHSC 6
- 24th Central States VHF Conference-1990 3266 6
- 25th Central States VHF Conference-1991 3614 6
- 27th Central States VHF Conference-1993 4386 12
- 1-4 Computer Networking Conference 0224 6
- 5th Computer Networking Conference 033X 6
- 6th Computer Networking Conference CP61 6
- 7th Computer Networking Conference 2138 6
- 8th Computer Networking Conference 2510 6
- 10th Computer Networking Conference 3592 6
- 11th Computer Networking Conference 4068 12
- 12th Digital Communications Conference-1993 4424 12
- 18th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference-1992 3916 12
- 19th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference-1993 4602 12
- Microwave Update 1989 2529 6
- Microwave Update 1991 3703 6
- Microwave Update 1993 4416 12
- Mid-Atlantic VHF Conf MID1 6
- 37th West Coast VHF/UHF Conference-1992 3894 12
- 38th West Coast VHF/UHF Conference-1993 4327 12
- QST -- ARRL'S Monthly Membership Journal
- Simply put, QST is the best source of news and practical
- information from the world of Amateur Radio. Hams and others
- interested in Amateur Radio from North America and around the
- world find it indispensable. QST comes with your ARRL membership.
- Here's some of what you'll find in each issue:
- Technical Articles provide fascinating theory and practical
- designs that will expand your Amateur Radio horizons.
- Product Reviews present comprehensive yet readable reports on the
- latest transceivers and accessories; only QST product reviews are
- based on careful and comprehensive testing done in the ARRL Lab
- and painstaking field testing.
- Hints & Kinks are clever and useful tips sent in by QST readers
- who have found a better way to accomplish a task or solve a
- problem. You never know what you'll find each month, but you can
- be sure you'll find something practical and imaginative.
- DXing/Contesting, two of the most popular on-the-air activities,
- are covered in detail in each issue. The How's DX? column provides
- profiles of well-known DXers and hints on getting more out of your
- station. ARRL-sponsored contests are fun ways of seeing how your
- station stacks up against others.
- Feature articles cover all the fascinating aspects of ham radio,
- from a colorful DXpedition to a rare atoll, to a personal story of
- how a ham introduced her family to the wonders of her favorite
- hobby.
- Ham Ads and display ads are the best way to find a piece of
- Amateur Radio gear, new or used, top shelf or barebones. Whether
- it's a new 20-meter beam or a computer program that teaches the
- Morse code, you'll find it advertised in QST.
- Useful and Timely News, from the FCC, or the international scene,
- is included in articles and columns like League Lines and
- Happenings. If it's happening, you'll learn about it by reading
- QST.
- Single issue price is $3. Contact ARRL for complete membership
- information.
- ARRL Accessories and Supply Items
- (*Shipping and handling charges apply to any supply item marked
- with an asterisk)
- The ARRL Flag
- Cloth Patch................#1090 $3
- Pin.............................#1070 $5
- Amateur Radio Emergency Service
- Black and Gold Sticker.................#1100 $1
- Red, White and Blue Sticker.........#1105 $1
- Black and Gold Decal...................#1110 $1
- Red, White and Blue Decal...........#1115 $1
- Black and Gold Patch...................#1120 $3
- Red, White and Blue Patch...........#1125 $3
- Member 5" Diamond Decal.......#1130 $1
- Member 5" Diamond Sticker.....#4203 $1
- Life Member Decal 5/pkg.......#1135 $1
- Cloth Patches
- 4" ARRL Diamond.................................#2170 $2
- Life Membership (goes with 4" ARRL Diamond).....#1170 $1
- Membership Pin.........................................#1180 $3
- Replacement Pin for Life Membership........#1190 $3
- Replacement Life Membership Plaque........#1240 $25
- ARRL License Plate...................................#1095 $5
- Spark to Space
- *Hat...................#1092 $7
- Patch..................#1091 $3
- Member Stationery
- 50 pieces of stationery and envelopes.......#1460 $9
- 50 pieces of stationery.....................#1465 $5
- 50 envelopes...................................#1470 $5
- Log Books
- 8.50" x 11" Spiral..........................#1250 $3.50
- 3-hole Loose Leaf, 96 8.50" x 11" sheets....#1265 $4
- Maps and Atlases
- US Call Area.............................#1270 $3
- *World Map--Full-color Great-Circle map centered
- on the Greenwich Meridian.................#1280 $12
- Grid Locator (US Grid Squares)..........#1290 $1
- ARRL World Grid Locator Atlas.........#2944 $5
- Polar Map (for OSCAR)......................#1300 $1
- For Traffic Handlers:
- Message Delivery Cards per package of 20....#1310 $2
- Message Pad with 70 sheets..........................#1320 $2
- Message Pad with 70 sheets (package of 3)...#1330 $5
- Antenna and Transmission Line Design Aids
- Standard Smith Charts (package of 5 sheets)..........#1340 $2
- Expanded Smith Charts (package of 5 sheets)..........#1350 $2
- Smith Charts--50-ohm center, (package of 5 sheets)...#1341 $2
- Antenna Pattern Worksheets, 100 8.50" x 11" sheets...#1360 $3
- *QST Binders
- 8.50" x 11" for QST 1976 and after.................#1380 $12
- 6.50" x 9.50" for QST 1975 and before...........#1370 $11
- Video Tapes-VHS
- SAREX W0ORE/Challenge............................#1420 $25
- Amateur Radio's Newest Frontier...................#1440 $25
- New World of Amateur Radio.......................#WAR1 $20
- Ham Radio in Space...............................#3681 $10
- Prices subject to change without notice.